Award-winning Author of the Sister Frevisse Mysteries and the Joliffe Player Mysteries 


February 2009

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February 5th, 2009


Some good news: The long wait is nearly over. I've at last finished the latest Joliffe book -- A Play of Treachery -- and sent it off to my editor. In it, Joliffe is summoned away from his company of players and sent to France to begin his training as a spy for the powerful Bishop Beaufort. France, in the throes of the Hundred Years War, is an especially dangerous place to be, with the tangle of warfare and politics thrown out of balance by the recent defection of the duke of Burgundy (England's long-time ally) and the even more recent death of the duke of Bedford (England's governor there).

Joliffe, on the other hand, thinks himself quite safe in the walled city of Rouen, the center of the English government in France. And even safer -- and comfortable -- in the rich household of Bedford's widowed duchess, a very young and very lovely woman with a mind of her own.

But the city walls that serve to keep enemies out give no safety against enemies from within, and all the wealth of a widow's household is no defense against murder.

- Margaret